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by Winnie Maina
Suction-assisted lipectomy, often known as liposuction, lipectomy, liposculpture or simply lipo is one of the most widely done aesthetic surgical procedures in aesthetic medicine. Liposuction, which is primarily a body-shaping surgery, uses vacuum suction to extract subcutaneous adipose tissue in specific body areas. Although widely considered a weight loss alternative, Body sculpting is the primary goal of liposuction. This technique is a surgical treatment that is more of an art that comprises the precise and skilled application of scientific information alongside craftsmanship in order to provide contentment to the individual who is through it by achieving the greatest potential results.
Liposuction allows for the removal of localized fat deposits through small incisions that leave a barely visible scar. A hollow device called a cannula is used to extract the fat. The cannula is inserted beneath the skin. A strong, high-pressure suction- vacuum is applied to the cannula, sucking the fat that has been broken up from the target area. Fat deposits in the derriere regions, hips, and abdomen are the most common areas addressed. While a trim and athletic body shape is excellent, well-contoured shoulders and chest, a flat belly, and a narrow hip and thigh area desired and which lipo-sculpturing is expected to deliver.
Race, age, and gender can all influence localized fat storage patterns. Women, for example, have a gynaecoid pattern of fat deposition characterized by greater deposits across the thighs, derriere, hips, and truncal region, whereas men have an android pattern centered on the truncal and abdominal regions. Because it permanently removes fat cells that are irregularly distributed, liposuction is helpful in modifying contour. Adipocytes (fat cells) that remain can still store fat, although to a lesser level thus liposuction may not always prevent more weight gain, but rather alters weight distribution and brings out desirable body contouring.
Liposuction is a safe and effective way to contour your body. It has enormous potential for use in reconstructive surgery as well. General anesthesia may be used before a lipo surgery, which can last anywhere from 1 to 4 hours. For lower-body treatments, an epidural may be used. The anesthesia is injected into the epidural area surrounding the dura, which is a fluid-filled sac that surrounds the spine to numb the abdomen and legs. When liposuction is performed on relatively small locations, local anesthesia administration may be used.
What should I expect after liposuction?
The swelling usually goes away within a few weeks after liposuction. The treated region should now appear less bulky. Expect a slimmer appearance in the treated area within a few months. Although skin loses rigidity as it ages, the results of liposuction are usually long-lasting as long as one maintains their weight.
Recovery process.
Recovery varies from one patient to another, factors as the age and overall prior well-being play a role in determining how quickly you will recover.
The surgeon will give you compression garments to wrap around the treatment areas. This will help reduce swelling and contour your body into its new shape. He’ll also prescribe lymphatic drainage massage to reduce post-surgical swelling and fibrosis for 2-3 weeks.
During the first few days of recovery you can expect moderate pain and soreness there will be pain medication to make this manageable.
Plan at least 2 weeks away from work.
At 6 weeks marks where the majority of bruising and swelling has subsided and you will no longer require the compression garments though some swelling might linger on.
Who can undergo liposuction?
Liposuction is mostly performed for cosmetic reasons to achieve a desired body contour. However, it is also used to address conditions such as:
- Gynecomastia is a condition in which fat accumulates beneath a man’s breasts.
- Lymphedema is a chronic (long-term) disorder in which excess lymph fluid gathers in tissues, resulting in swelling. The swelling most usually affects the arms or legs. Swelling, discomfort, and pain can all be reduced by liposuction.
- Managing Lipomas -These are fatty tumors that are benign.
- Lipodystrophy syndrome is a condition where fat accumulates in one part of the body while being lost in another. Liposuction can improve a patient’s appearance by distributing body fat in a more natural way.
Vinnie Njau
atCan men get liposuction too?